
Saturday, December 31, 2011

Time Worn Style

Blousy Vintage meets Industrial chic,
and they lived happily everafter.....who knew?

Alicia of TIME WORN STYLE, Olinda neighbour + soon 
to be featured in COUNTRY STYLE, shares some advice 
about candelabras, online decor and foxing?

What's your decorating style at home?
Years ago I was shabby chic pure and simple but have found my own style. At a pinch you could say Modern Country with a bit of Industrial thrown in, rococo influences, french provincial in another room. Yes a time worn style mix of my own ~ elegance with some harder edges!

A signature décor piece you can't live without? 
I love the huge Antique mirror I have leaning against the wall in the front room. It has just the right amount of foxing on the mirror and makes such an impact in any room its in. Old, ornate and time worn just the way I love it and it would work in any room, even a bathroom!

Any styling tips or tricks for when you have guests?
Keep it simple and don't clutter up the table. I always love a large candelabra in the middle of a table as it makes the simplest of meals grand.

Cushion fiend or phobic?
LOVE cushions and love old fabrics so turning them into cushions is a natural progression as they make great accent pieces in any room. You can change your whole decor around just by changing the cushions I've found especially if you have a neutral backdrop. I will actually be starting a new line of cushions this year using my huge stash of old ornate fabrics. Feather inserts, nice squishy and elegant. 

Any advice for people starting up an online business?
Don't be scared of using the computer, treat it as  friend not a foe. Branch out into social media ~ Facebook, twitter, pinterest, blogging and have a real presence on line if that is where your sales are. Its a tool to use that can be great fun too and you can link up with other fellow business people on line which is a great support for your own business.

Pop in, say hello..enjoy a cuppa in the finest china!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

vintage vases, a letter to mum

Dear Mum,
I had so much joy at christmas styling the flowers for our table.. your beautiful tea set, that has been shamefully collecting dust & tarnish is polished and brimming with sweet flowers from our garden. My favourite little Bird carried a satchel vase full of wild strawberries to the table and the peonies looked like pink clouds floating above vintage silver.

I love & miss you terribly, still.
Jo xox

Sunday, December 18, 2011


Cushion Safari....awww!
Congrats to Fiona Peel for her very cute, creative cluster of cushions...those BTc. cushions will be winging their way to you very soon.... but not before a bit of Q&A.

What do you do.. now, or in a former life before children?
In my sleep deprived state I don't recall a life before kids! 
Now when I have a few minutes I:
Bake (recipes with chocolate)

Read (flick the ipad for design sites and the news)
Photograph cushions.

You are obviously a cushion fiend, care to elaborate?
I love them because they bring a sofa or bed to life adding pattern, drama and colour. 
Oh, and they make you more comfy too!

Decorating tips to share?
Spine bookcases are great for stacking discarded cushions from the bed at night....funnily enough Edward Cullen prefers books in his spine bookcase.
Also good storage is a must for hiding extra 'stuff' when people come over.

Thank you to everyone who entered..I have sent a lot of the images through to 
House & Garden - the Ed. team were very impressed! 

Stay posted for more challenges, prizes + great decorating tips!

Have a fab festive season
Jo x

Friday, December 16, 2011


The CCC winner announced Monday

The judging panel are very busy making final decisions and the winner of the
Cushion Cluster Challenge will be announced on Monday 19th December.
Thank you for all your great clusters, hope you had as much fun as I did.

Keep following for more seasonal style challenges and 
great prizes in the new year.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

HOW TO open a homewares boutique

Great tips + advice from Andrea @ Maple

Maple is...Ever changing accessories for yourself or your home..and a great place to meet friends for coffee or lunch.

What's your decorating style at home?
My style at home is British Colonial, think India Hicks with a good dose of Bunny Williams.

A signature decor piece you couldn't live wihout?
Persian rugs, they go with everything and last forever. At the moment I'm layering kilims for a more modern, casual look.

Styling tips for when you have guests?
Always have a gorgeous scented candle burning in the entrance. For summer I love Montego Bay or India Hicks Casurina..for christmas nothing beats C&E Noel.
On the table I like to use an assortment of vintage jars & vases filled with anything to hand..the weedier the better- herbs look and smell great. 
For a formal look I use my collection of silver teapots filled with garden roses and herbs..
fyi If you are not a good cook make sure the table looks stunning!

Cushion fiend or phobic?
Definately a lover. "Never knowingly under cushion"
They are the most economical way to update a room. Being a blue + white girl at heart, I add red, pink or yellow depending on the season. Now my children are bigger, I can really go to town on the cushions as they have stopped the pillow fighting. I still spend my life plumping though!

Any advice for people starting a homewares business?
Research, research, research!
How will you be different/better/more interesting than what is on offer. A good position is very important. If you are opening a store front choose a theme/style and stick to it- you can't be everything to everyone.

I love Maple homewares and regularly use their products when styling houses for H&G
pop in or visit online, it's hard to leave empty handed.
If you mention "never knowingly under cushion" you'll get a coffee on the house! 
ttfn Jo

Monday, December 12, 2011


Cushion Contenders
I have been getting so many amazing entries for the challenge its hard to showcase all the are just a few more

1. All I want for xmas
A gold medal goes to Fiona for her PB in the Olympic Xmas tree stack...under 3 seconds before the inevitable toddler crash tackle...amazing, I don't know how she does it!

2. Cushion Couture
A stylish hessian cluster on a linen chesterfield, thanks Leah
If you would like to see more of Leah's style visit

Keep those cushion challenges have till Friday, so get clustering.

ttfn Jo

Eco friendly & stylish cushions!

Ourlieu (our-lee-oo) a marriage of English & French, meaning our space.

Australian owned, Ourlieu begun in 2010 with the aim of creating beautiful, stylish homewares for any space.
I would love any of their beautiful ranges at my lieu from the current Gypsy Coast to the Woodland collection, a personal favourite for us forest dwellers.
Minimising materials and using only environmentally responsible sources Ourlieu aims to produce beautiful eco friendly feather bags!

Ourlieu, not just a pretty space!

ttfn Jo

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

CUSHIONS: The Facts & Feathers

Who Knew?
Cushions have colonised most of the world's interiors!

The largest gathering can be found in apartments, townhouses and most notably family dwellings. Like all feathered creatures they congregate in flocks and rarely live a solitary existence.

Their size varies according to habitat, the largest of the species is the Beanbag (Common Floor Cushion) and is found in spacious interiors with direct access to electronic devices whilst the smallest, the domestic Pin Cushion is so tiny it can fit on your wrist!

If you have a cushion colony please enter the 
It's a styling competition, but really it's just a bit of fun.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Addicted to cushions

A is for Addicted to cushions ccc entry


It hit fever pitch for me when I was pregnant with my daughter. Lost in Lincraft for hours in search of baby gingham, toile, ric rac and bouncy, cloudlike wadding. The blood sugar levels would plummet and I knew if I didnt escape the Textile Zone, and find a friand I would collapse!
The house became so excessively comfortable in that final term that the Irishman would come home and ask how many cushions, quilts, throws I had made today? 
I still make cushions, still addicted and still lose all sense of time and place in homewares stores. 
Is it the innate nesting instinct of women or is it just part of their DNA to soften hard surfaces...floors, leather sofas, men?

Thank you Mandy for your entry

Its not too late to enter:

ttfn Jo

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Art, Music and a bit of taxidermy

 "Owl on bold Orchid 2011" Emma Hack

Our art collective, The M Collection has a new addition, an extraordinary piece by artist Emma Hack
To make sense of this amazing technique have a look at the artist at work in Goytes "Someone that I used to know"

FYI the owl is real, with a little taxidermic enhancement and the last addition to a very still model before photography. 

If you would like to have a peek at our collection, 
now in it's 5th year go to:

ttfn jo


Some cute CCC entries..

1. Cat amongst the pigeons 
2. Tea Towel Still life

Keep them coming!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Cushion pudding


pink, purple and plum
It's no surprise that I love The Works, in Hawthorn. 
The Fiat 500 has been know to wait patiently for hours as I source products for shoots or shop....not entirely mutually exclusive activies either!

Last time I was there I was sourcing for a Mothers Day table and couldn't resist the visual merchandising...or maybe it was just the plum pudding of cushions...yummy!
Chesterfields are tricky to pretty up however the rich plum colours here look sensational...more colour combos later.

hhmm must review Qu. 6, 7 & 8 of the Cushion Quiz

Visit The Works, at Hawthorn they've got it all, 
including good coffee and inspiration for 

The Works, 
aka Bed Bath 'N Table

Space on Earth


Space Redeemer
In a former life this sleek terrace saved souls + sinners. Defrocked, divided + converted it's now a space saving miracle.
Interior living areas, over three levels are beautiful, clever and maximise the limited space. Bi-fold doors hide a mini gymnasium on the second floor and the stunning 'up & over' glass door, in the main bedroom leads to a terrace and BBQ, cleverly concealed behind panelling...or is it perhaps a tabernacle?

Space be with you!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

The French Collection, Olinda


Metisse is a sweet vintage homewares store in the village of Olinda specialising in gorgeous French collectables. The owner, Vicki Growse sources her products on an anuual trip to France, lucky her!
My favourite pieces are the tree branch coathangers and the long, elegant cobweb dusters- the smaller dusters are perfect for cleaning keyboards as the bristles are super fine. 
The olive & pip bowls are a great gift idea and come in a larger size for olive oil + dukkah....J'ai faim!

For more details

More on my little village later, including online antiques, a new homewares store, fine wines & good coffee plus the best stationery store ever...according to my redhead teenagress!

Vintage Herb Markers

Herb demarkation
Separate Curley from the Continental

Mr Fallow has been busy in the garden creating these vintage spoon markers for your vege patch & herb garden. Sweet, functional & tough plus the name won't wash off if they get wet...but remember Sage doesn't like wet feet!

Happy herbing!

Xmas tables alfesco


Christmas in the garden
Why not include a xmas tree or even decorate one in the garden, as seen in the xmas issue of House & Garden. 
The spring colour palette really lifted this shady spot and the decorated xmas tree gave it a little festive fun. I kept the xmas tree decorations simple with just lime coloured leaves, little birds and some pearl clusters for contrast.
I loved the owners beautiful old chairs..they came with the house and are still gorgeous at 80, amazing what a cushion will do! 
Find out more about the power of the cushion and take the  Cushion Cluster Challenge!

If you like the table setting & tree here, then hot foot it to 
Bed Bath'N Table, Ruby Star Traders and My Christmas.
Bed Bath N Table- stores  all over NSW + Victoria

Beach house decor

Mint & Celadon I love celadon green, the colour of Thai pottery, my Fiat 500 and the accent colour in this gorgeous Morington Peninsula beach house, we shot for H&G. It's such a soft, sweet colour that works perfectly with whites and rustic metals plus it's so relaxing it makes you a little sleepy, and this pretty beach house would be a perfect place for a nap after a day in the surf.

The owners bought much of their furnishings in Thailand however if you love the look, The Orient Express in Abbortsford might be a good place to start!

FYI...nice mini cushion cluster on the teak steamer..don't forget the CUSHION CLUSTER CHALLENGE !


what's the big idea?
Macrame never looked this good, Sarah Parkes of Smalltown, in Melbourne creates the most beautiful hanging installations for plants & lights. She confided that her daughters name is South and that she too was beautiful...To see more of her beautiful creations, aside from South go to..